Hennadz Fiadynich: Belarus Will No Longer Be Same

  • 9.06.2020, 11:39

The change of power process is already under way.

REP trade union leader Hennadz Fiadynich commented on the unprecedented voter activity during the presidential campaign, writes.

- The fact that the Belarusians now want to sign for anyone, but not for Lukashenka, does not just outrage the authorities. It scares them. It's a real threat to the power that has been formed over the last quarter of the century. Ordinary people, not activists, are ready to stand in line to express their attitude to this power on their day off in masks. That has never happened before.

Of course, there are discussions and arguments. But this is not a rally, not a planned action. This is a natural reaction of the citizens to what is happening in our country. Not only the feeling of discontent is awakening in them, but also the feeling of dignity, the feeling of responsibility for themselves, their children, for the Motherland. They sign for changes.

I believe that Belarus will not be the same anymore, some line has already been crossed. And it's too late to scare with repression. It will create even more problems for the authorities themselves, pushing them towards inexcusable crimes.

The peculiarity of the current situation is that it has been created not by the opposition or alternative candidates. In fact, it has been created by the authorities themselves. Leaders, whom opposition structures tried to elect through various "primaries", began to be created among the people. It is not known whether these will be today's candidates or other persons we have not even heard about, these leaders are already forming in the depths of the society.

It is possible that none of the alternative candidates will be registered, that these "elections" themselves will not change anything, because we all know how they are made. We will see from the situation what will be best - participation or total disregard. But the process of changing the government has already started, and everyone in the society feels it, including those "at the top". It will depend on all of us what the changes will be, in what direction the country will move. Indifference, irrationality, petty ambition may lead to a trap from which there will be no way out. But I believe in our people, in Belarus.

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