Chance To Make A Step From Behind Looking-Glass

  • Yauhen Lipkovich
  • 10.06.2020, 13:26

It’s time to finish with this disgraceful “only here”.

An elderly Dutchman of over 70 came to Minsk to provide consultations regarding the program, financed by the government of the Netherlands. He called the staff of our company to his office one by one, and talked to them. He asked about the problems and gave advice. I told that the government issues insane resolutions, demands to comply with them, threatening with the plague of Egypt, and keeps on bothering people with requests for reporting on execution of these resolutions. He was looking at me, trying to understand. “Have you read “Behind the Looking-Glass” by Lewis Carroll?” I asked. “Welcome to behind the looking-glass.”

The Dutchman smiled:

- If the government wants you to tell them fairy tales, why not? But you should think for yourself.

A simple down-to-earth advice made me think seriously.

In our country, we elected the man who was the only one voting against the independence of the country, as President.

Screaming and shouting that we are the only state standing in the way of the NATO troops, we sold the cutting-edge missile complex C-300 to the Americans.

Only here, applause, which in the whole world mean gratitude and approval, became a sign of protest, and were banned and persecuted by the authorities.

Only here, the president who issued a special decree on the necessity to indicate all children of presidential contenders in the property declaration, filed to the CEC during an electoral campaign, deliberately failed to indicate his newborn son. Only here, alternative candidates were put to jail after the announcement of the election results.

Only here, they blame the population of trying to protect their savings from the mad economic policy, instead of blaming the National Bank, which arranged emission, having devalued the citizens’ deposits.

Only here, the man who has driven the country to the incorporation into another state, is now saying that he is the only defender of sovereignty and independence. The list of these paradoxical “only here” things can be continued.

But there is one thing we must memorize, embed into the subcortex, cast in bronze:

Only here, the president threatens to shoot his own people if voters fail to vote for him!

Now there is a chance to make a step from behind the looking-glass, and finish with this disgraceful “only here”.

It’s just we should not miss it.

Yauhen Lipkovich, Facebook

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