Minsk Woman with "Pneumonia" Tells How Coronavirus "Mows Down" the Village with Her Relatives

  • 9.04.2020, 14:25

First one old woman got sick, and then the epidemic went out of control.

Basta TV channel wrote about Anastasia from Minsk, who was taken to the National Scientific and Practical Center of Pulmonology and Phthisiology with the diagnosis of "extra-hospital pneumonia". She is still there, although her COVID-19 has not been confirmed. Anastasia told reporters about the situation in the Center, as well as in the Salihorsk district, where her relatives live.

- I fell ill back in February, now I'm lying in the NSPC. My tests for coronavirus are negative," she said. - I feel good at the moment.

My mother lives in the village of Povarchitsy, Salihorsk district, and she felt very bad as well. She was told that she had angina. I barely asked рук to pass an X-ray. My mother was at the Starobin polyclinic.

In the hospital, I found out that these viral pneumonia were usually not visible and only a CT can detect them. However, it is not commonly practised. In the village, they have a truck-bed kiosk on certain days and they gather there.

First one grandmother got sick, and then everything started.

I have a lot of relatives there but thank God, they are at home; there is no one in the hospital. Six people have a confirmed coronavirus, the whole family was taken away. Naturally, all the residents will not be tested, my mother was never offered.

An old man and his daughter were taken with pneumonia. Their tests were negative, they live near that first grandmother. Daughter went to look after her and became the carrier. All the sick people are taken to Salihorsk.

The Salihorsk hospital had a full pulmonology department already in February. My mother's friend and a distant relative were there with pneumonia. They didn't even hear that there was a coronavirus in the village nearby.

The worst thing is that second-level contacts go to work and are not tested until they get sick.

I'm worried about my mom. The paramedic told my mother not to tell anyone. Everyone's hiding everything. I think we have the same situation in all the regions.

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