Rear Admiral of the US Health Service: The Situation in Belarus May Be Even Worse Than That in Italy

  • 2.04.2020, 13:23

Though late and unlike Lukashenka, the Italians began to take measures.

Why is the number of infected rapidly growing in the U.S? Will the post-Soviet countries follow the fate of European ones in the footsteps? Belsat talked to retired Rear Admiral Boris Lushniak, US Health Service. (Officers of the U.S. Health Corps have ranks equivalent to those of Navy officers and wear the uniform of the U.S. Navy -'s note). He is one of the world's leading experts in fighting N1H1 virus, which raged in 2009.

- The coronavirus pandemic is setting new records. The situation is deteriorating day by day, including in the United States. Why is the morbidity so high in the United States?

- The current situation in the United States is critical. We have over 170,000 cases of coronavirus. More than 3,000 people died. We've only just begun to do more system diagnostics for the virus. That's what we needed a few weeks ago. Now we have the more technical capability to detect the infection. Regular testing is one of the reasons why are on top of the coronavirus cases list.

- Does it mean that low morbidity rates should raise even more concerns than high ones?

- It all starts with small numbers. It was the same in America 3-4 weeks ago. We had little coronavirus infected. Meanwhile, until we were not able to diagnose people in the required amount, the virus spread across the country.

- For example, Ukraine has more than 600 confirmed cases. In Russia, almost a thousand cases were recorded in two days. Does this mean that everything is just beginning in Eastern Europe?

- I do not know what the situation is with diagnostics in Ukraine now. But we can see how this virus was spreading. China was the first. Then South Korea. Then came the turn of Italy and all of Western Europe. Then the virus moved to America. And now it's obvious, Poland, Ukraine and Russia have the number of infected people growing day by day. I don't know whether such relatively small figures indicate a low level of infection or a lack of diagnostics, but the fact is that the virus is spreading in the world. Including in Eastern European countries.

- Ukraine has introduced quarantine. The work of public transport has been restricted. Cafes and restaurants were closed. They have banned any events where people can gather. Will it save Ukrainians from coronavirus?

- The authorities take the right steps. The United States has Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. We have to listen to their recommendations. They say we need to protect ourselves, ensure hygiene, limit general meetings. As well as to ensure social, so-called physical distance. It's about two meters. Elderly people and people with chronic diseases require monitoring - they are at risk. If you don't feel well, you should stay at home. It's very important not to walk among people. Wash your hands thoroughly. Do not touch the face.

Even in Maryland, we've introduced quarantine. Now my wife, children and I stay at home.

- If Ukraine and Russia introduce at least some restrictive measures, Belarus does nothing. Even the football championship continues - the only tournament in the world that has not been stopped. What can it lead to?

- What can it lead to? People will just have to be patient. This virus knows no borders. The coronavirus will cross them anyway. It's a pandemic now. It means a global epidemic. The virus has already been detected in 179 countries. So obviously, the virus will hit Belarus, too.

Even here in America, some churches continued divine services. It ended with the arrest of these priests because it opposed the government's recommendations. We have to realize that the health of people around the world comes first.

- Ignoring the recommendations of the WHO, Belarus can repeat the Italian scenario, can't it?

- It may become the second Italy, or even worse. Because the Italians, though late, started taking measures. Now the situation there gets better. The number of new patients diagnosed with coronavirus is decreasing. However, I should say that the situation in Italy is complex. More than 100,000 people have fallen ill (105,792). Over 11,000 people died (12,428 at the time of publication). About 11% died as a result of the virus. I can't predict what will happen in Belarus. But we already know for sure that quarantine measures help.

- But Ukraine has no such margin of economic safety as the United States, for example. People there say: "It's better to die of coronavirus than to starve to death". Is it necessary to look for some balance between the state economy and human safety?

- I am a professional medical employee and a public health scientist. I'm not an economist. Of course, economics is important. But at least in next two, four, six weeks, you should not think about economics, but take care not only of your health but also of your city, region. Even the health of the whole country. People's health is the major factor for a state's economy. We hope that in a few weeks, before May-June, this coronavirus will no longer be so dangerous.

- Is there any forecast when the epidemic in the whole world will decline and the virus will be finally defeated?

- By now, there's no treatment for the virus. Scientists around the world are working on it now. A vaccine is also being developed so that the human body could fight the infection. When there was an outbreak of Spanish flu 100 years ago, we didn't have any medicines or vaccines either. The same precautions recommend today were also used. What we know for sure about the virus is the way it spreads. It is an airborne infection. If it is possible to keep a distance of two meters, obviously the virus will not be able to spread. Think about it. This is the best way for us to break from this pandemic.

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