Ministry Of Health Hides Number Of Coronavirus Infected In Belarus

  • 1.04.2020, 13:15

Instead of clear and precise statements, journalists are offered "puzzles".

The Ministry of Health of Belarus does not report on the exact number of coronavirus patients in Belarus. Instead, the authorities tell about the number of tests taken and patients discharged from hospitals.

The Ministry of Health officially confirmed the death of a teacher from the village of Daktarovichy, Kapyl district. However, they summed it up in a very strange way, calling it "the second death of an age patient with numerous chronic diseases, according to preliminary data, burdened with coronavirus infection".

The behavior of the Belarusian Ministry of Health looks especially strange against the background of the openness of the Western governments that daily inform their citizens about the coronavirus statistics.

A number of independent experts argue that the authorities deliberately understate the number of deaths from coronavirus in Belarus. This is evidenced by the doctors' confessions.

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