Hrodna Doctors Call On Belarusians To Stay Home

  • 27.03.2020, 11:02

The emergency hospital staff has joined the People's Quarantine.

Belarusian doctors massively urge to stay home and not to go out without necessity. Employees of Hrodna City Clinical Emergency Hospital have posted their appeal in social networks, Basta reports:

"We work for you - stay at home for us!" - with this slogan we join the world medical flash mob #StayAtHome. Its goal is to encourage people to stay home and isolate themselves if possible in order to stop the spread of #COVID19.

We call for self-isolation of elderly people, chronically ill patients and those patients who have at least the slightest signs of acute respiratory infection (ARI), as well as those who have come from abroad and therefore received a recommendation for self-isolation.

We also remind you of the importance of hygiene and social distancing in the fight against coronavirus.

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