"First Medics Came In Anti-Plague Suits, And Then Weird Things Started"

  • 26.03.2020, 9:04

Details of two new coronavirus cases in Homel.

Residents of one of the houses in the Khutar micro-district have contacted the Hard-Hitting News editorial office. Yesterday evening, March 24, a 26-year-old girl with a suspicion of coronavirus was taken from their house by an ambulance. After 22.00, the entrance was thoroughly disinfected by doctors in full battle-rattle - "anti-plague suits".

And then the weird things started: the police came. "They went around all the apartments, recorded all the data of the residents, prohibited to tell anyone anything at all, and advised not to leave the house, as we are supposedly under quarantine, self-isolation," - one of the residents says.

According to her, a 26-year-old neighbor was suspected of coronavirus. She flew to Paris in early March. On her return last Wednesday, March 18, a swab was taken from the girl at the airport. The girl was taken on March 24. On March 25 in the morning, the ambulance took away her mother, with whom the girl lives together. "The mother was put in an ordinary ambulance, except that she was offered to wear a mask," - the neighbor adds.

Hard-Hitting News has managed to find out that the suspicion of the coronavirus has been confirmed.

"It is worth noting that both the doctors and the police were working quickly and accurately. The entire entrance was disinfected, as well as windows, doors, elevators and the staircases. The police told us not to worry - everything is under control, we are all "on the list", "on notice" - so they said. If anything happens - call an ambulance, they've been warned about us, and if anything crops up - they'll immediately take us to an infectious disease hospital," - one of the residents of the 10-storey building says. Her words have been confirmed by a neighbor from the ground floor, who opened the door and said that the police had copied their data and said not to tell anyone.

As it became known to Hard-Hitting News from the readers, the doctors disinfected the entrance to one of the houses in the Volatava micro-district yesterday as well. A young girl, who had returned from London with suspicion of coronavirus, was taken from there.

According to the information received by the editorial office, her test also gave a positive result.

Near the entrance, the correspondents managed to talk to a local woman. She denied the information that the house had been disinfected. However, ten minutes later, an ambulance drove up to the entrance, and the employees were wearing "anti-plague" suits, including robes, shoes, masks and glasses. A woman and another man were taken from the entrance right in front of our eyes. Probably, to an infectious disease hospital.

The General Directorate of Health and the Center for Hygiene, Epidemiology and Public Health did not comment on the situation with the coronavirus in the Homel region. There they suggested turning to the "website of the Ministry of Health". The Minister of Health did not say anything about new cases of coronavirus in Homel at yesterday's press conference.

We remind that there are 2 officially registered cases of coronavirus in the region. The one of a 20-year-old athlete, who came from Portugal, and the one of a Zhytkavichy resident born in 1961. However, according to the state press reports, the "Zhytkavichy case" has already been put into question by medics, although 42 people were isolated because of it.

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