"There's Never Been A Thing Like This In World Musical History."

  • 28.12.2020, 21:25

About the best songs of the Belarusian protest.

Musicologist, journalist, author of the popular project "Uncle Thema's Cabin" on ARU.TV Artemy Troitsky has made a review of Belarusian protest music of 2020.

He chose nine songs from the list of the 20 best songs compiled by the Belarusian service of Radio Svaboda, which, in his opinion, most clearly reflect the Belarusian peaceful revolution.

Artemy Troitsky chose nine songs for analysis:

TOR BAND - "We Are Not "Little People",

LEAR - "On Tired Wings",

Naka, DZIECIUKI, "Boy with a Broken Heart", "Loop of Passion", Rostany - "To You".

GIVE A WAY! - "Rockabye",

IOWA - "Dream"

VOLSKI - "Enemies of the People"

Pomidor/OFF - "I'm Coming Out"

Іllia Sіlchukou - "Mighty God"

Trubetskoy - "Will"

Artemy Troitsky: "What is happening now in the Belarusian music, in the Belarusian culture, not to mention the Belarusian society as a whole - I have never seen such an explosion of folk art, politically oriented folk art. It is believed that there was a strong wave of protest music in America in the 1960s, in Britain in the 1970s, in the USSR in the 1980s. Whether it was protests against the Vietnam War or against unemployment and Thatcher's economic policies, the USSR understood what the protest was against. But the musical wave that rose in Belarus is certainly much stronger than all that. What can you mention from the Soviet songs of the 80s, all those so-called "perestroika" anthems? "Aquarium" - "Train on Fire", "Kino" - "We're Waiting for Change", "Nautilus Pompilius" - "Chained Together", "Khaki Ball", "Television" - "Out of Control", "Your Dad is a Fascist". About a dozen, maybe two songs, no more. And here there are hundreds of songs. I don't think there's ever been anything like this in world music history.

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