"Would Like To Know Real Coronavirus Figures In Region And Nationwide"

  • 28.12.2020, 13:16

Belarusians don't trust official coronavirus statistics.

What links Israel, Hungary, Azerbaijan and Belarus? You can find different connections, but these countries have about the same number of residents. At the same time, the coronavirus statistics are different - at least 206,000 people are infected in Azerbaijan, more than 300,000 in Israel and Hungary. And in Belarus - "only" 179 thousand people. Do passers-by in Horki trust the statistics of the Belarusian Ministry of Health? The website has asked the townspeople:


I don't trust it, I think the figures are understated. In general, no one is immune to the virus. Everyone must catch it to develop collective immunity. And how you go through it - it probably depends on the overall condition of the body.


I do not trust official statistics. I read different mass media, watch TV, talk to people, compare information, so to say. I know that there are many sick people even among my friends in our town. For example, my son is ill right now. I would like to know the real figures on coronavirus in our region and across the country. At least just for the sake of comparison.


You watch it on the Internet - there is one thing, on TV - it's completely different. I have my mother at home with cancer, I try not to bring her the infection, I observe all the precautions. But to be honest, I believe more the information from the Internet.

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