Aliaksandr Klaskouski: De Facto Major Blow Has Been Cast On Regime

  • 1.12.2020, 16:34

The credibility of the authorities is now in the toilet.

Political observer Aliaksandr Klaskouski commented for Solidarity on the third leaked recording with voices similar to the ones of Eismant and Latyshonak.

- If the authorities were sure that it was a fake, they would have already tried to prove it. Even if after a while the high leadership tries to refute something, the public will not believe it, because the pause turned out to be unacceptably long.

The way Lukashenka intrigued, without saying anything intelligible, but only promising that, like, in a week you would learn a lot of interesting things, confirms that he hasn't a leg to stand on.

According to the interlocutor, the most likely version of the one who could have leaked records is the special services. The question is, the special services of which state?

- In connection with the release of the records, the situation for the ruling elite has developed, to put it mildly, piquant, which, I think, caused confusion at the top. Until now, such scandals related to information leakage could have occurred in Russia or Ukraine, but in Belarus it seemed that the system was sealed and there could be no leaks.

If you think about who benefits from it, among the options are either Belarusian, or Russian, or Western special services. It is unlikely that some kind of advanced loner, Stirlitz, was acting, who decided in this way to expose the mores of the elite. It seems to me that such a person can be easily identified; this is, in fact, a fatal risk.

Rather, it is a game of special services. For example, if you take the first records related to the death of Raman Bandarenka, then it is obvious that this was an attempt to divert suspicion from certain people.

In this case, it can be assumed that this is one of the power structures playing its own game.

There is also speculation that this could be a game of the Russian special services. It is known that lately Moscow has been dissatisfied with Lukashenka's line of behavior. This may be a signal from there that, they say, you are all under our control, and if the unwanted line of behavior continues, we can merge even more piquant things.

There is a version that it is the Western special services that are taking revenge for Mike and Nick, only with high quality, - the expert says ironically.

In any case, Aliaksandr Klaskouski notes, no kidding, the content of the conversations does not make the ruling elite and power structures look dignified.

- In terms of countering information threats, the system turned out to be absolutely unprepared, despite the fact that they were developing some information security concepts. However, when faced with reality, they immediately embarrassed themselves.

The system does not know how to deal with such unexpected challenges, and suffered a complete fiasco. Because all these details of conversations about Massandra and so on instantly became memes.

And, regardless of whose game it is and what interests are being pursued, de facto, a major blow has been inflicted on the regime.

It should be borne in mind that whoever did it, he cleverly calculated the moment when the trust in the authorities was already in the toilet.

Therefore, paradoxically, this is a real conversation or a high-class fake, according to the laws of information war, it has already cast a powerful blow to the gut of the current regime, Aliaksandr Klaskouski summarized.

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