Economist: The Level of the Country's Governance Can Be Compared to Sharikov's "Take and Divide"

  • 1.12.2020, 8:40

Together with the usurper, his "deputies" will sink into oblivion.

Aliaksei Kolb, an expert on marketing and systematic business development, believes that the so-called "tent" may cease to exist after Lukashenka leaves, writes

- I think the "house of representatives" that appeared at the suggestion of Lukashenka will just as suddenly disappear as a legislative body after his departure. Its functionality is not obvious, its maintenance costs are enormous, and there is no benefit from it. Nobody will remember at least three laws that are useful for the economy of Belarus, which appeared at the suggestion of the "house of representatives" for all the years of its existence, - the expert commented on the last intention of parliamentarians to raise fines for non-payment of the road toll.

He also trolled the "deputies" to whom Lukashenka "expanded their powers" by allowing them to discuss, debate in parliament, make decisions at the level of laws, and introduce laws on topics "at the suggestion of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the KGB, governors, local authorities."

- That is, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB will give them decisions - here are cubes for you, sit on the carpet and play! They work not to improve the business climate, not to create any social benefits, but only to increase the fines. The level of their (members of parliament) understanding can be compared with Bulgakov's "take and divide." Remember how they came to Preobrazhensky and said: "You have 8 rooms, we think that this is a lot; you can operate in the dining room, eat in the corridor." This is now happening in Belarus, not the creation of something new, but "it seems that you have a lot - we are taking it from you."

Why do they think that if they squeeze and choke with fines, the economy will continue to grow and, while everyone is talking about civil peace and the need to return to dialogue, they decide how to increase the penalties for non-payers of road tax?

The situation in the country is so hectic that it is dangerous to discuss, for example, the budget or any other serious things. According to the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the KGB, the initiator of such a discussion can be accused of anti-state activity and packed under a criminal article.

So let's better talk about fines.

Such actions lead to an increase in disrespect for the government, the expert noted.

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