Everyone Goes On Strike!

  • 1.12.2020, 8:28

The heroes of our time.

It is clear that the whole country pins its hopes on the workers of large enterprises! And they, by the way, are doing their best, the Worker Correspondent telegram channel writes.

Naftan got to the news again. It is because Kiryl Parchynski, the operator of the technological unit, has joined the strike there.

And where do we go without Belaruskali? Andrei Batuyeu, the mining machine operator, and Aliaksandr Makayed, the electric locksmith, have started striking there.

Respect for the guys!

And now - drum roll, because we also have Antanina Vjukhina, operator of gas stations. The Belaruskali strike committee writes that she is brave and beautiful.

Well, we actually see it ourselves!

Let's take an example! Everybody goes on strike!

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