Swedish Trade Union IF Metall: Lukashenko, Go Away!

  • 27.10.2020, 15:42

The organization, uniting 310 thousand people, supported the Belarusian workers.

The Swedish industrial workers' union IF Metall, which unites 310,000 workers, has come out in support of Belarusian workers who are on strike against the dictatorship.

Union Chairman Marie Nilsson expressed international solidarity on Facebook:

"We support the general strike in Belarus!

As chairman of the IF Metall trade union, I would like to express our support for the political strike in Belarus. It is remarkable how patiently and peacefully the democratic forces and the independent trade union movement in Belarus express their disgust for the current regime.

We all respect the results of democratic elections in which the will of the people was honestly expressed. In Belarus's case, the election results are falsified by the dictatorial regime, which is trying to retain power at any cost. This is completely unacceptable.

It's time to resign, Aliaksandr Lukashenka!"

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