Last Lukasescu's Rally

  • 22.10.2020, 8:31

The public sector workers, who have been driven to Minsk, may organize a demonstration against the usurper.

According to reports in social networks, the authorities plan to organize a rally of Lukashenka's supporters in Minsk next Sunday.

Radio Svaboda reports that the enterprises in the regions are recieving orders to send a certain number of people to a pro-government meeting.

Trybuna editor in chief Aleh Harunovich has expressed an interesting opinion in connection with the organization of the "rally".

- I think this is a chance, - Harunovich writes. - Now we must make every effort to get into ear of people from the regions: do not refuse to go to the capital. Just take white-red-white flags with you, though, in fact, any flag will do.

And when you come to the city, just go where your heart says. There they will surely welcome you, one hundred percent. Or at least 97.

If you have the courage, you can also have a look at Lukashenka. Just do not forget to shout out to him: "Leave!"

Someone will definitely support you. Minskers drive home old women and people in general after the rallies. Maybe we will drive them to the regions afterwards? I am ready to go to Homel and deliver three or four people there on Sunday.

Let's turn the megameeting "For Belarus" into an incredible procession of new Belarus.

We remind that there have already been such cases in history. The rally on December 21, 1989 was the last one for the Romanian dictator Ceausescu, although it was organized by the authorities to support him. At the rally, Ceausescu managed to say only a few words before his voice sank in the shouting of the demonstrators. Mocking whistling and hisses rose from all parts of the crowd, followed by shouts 'Down!' and 'Rat!'. The rally ended with a revolution, which led to the overthrow and execution of the dictator.

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