Viktar Babaryka From KGB Detention Center: We Will Win Anyway

  • 2.10.2020, 16:11

The political prisoner is held in the conditions of an information blockade.

The press-center of ex-presidential candidate and political prisoner Viktar Babaryka informs that he is held in the conditions of an information blockade.

“The new cell does not have an antenna, there is no shelf for a TV set, and he was even deprived of the opportunity to watch the stories of the state TV channels. Letters have not been handed over to him for more than 10 days,” the press-center of the politician says.

It is also noted that Viktar Babaryka's detention was extended. The defense has already appealed the decision.

The press-center adds that Viktar Babaryka does not lose optimism and is confident in the victory of the Belarusian people.

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