Protest Actions Take Place All Over Minsk

  • 1.10.2020, 15:22

(updated) Residents of the capital went to the streets on the 54th day of the revolution.

Today is the 54th day of the Belarusian revolution.

All over the country, people are protesting against the illegitimate usurper. Protest actions are also taking place in Minsk. Residents of the capital took to the streets in different parts of the city, reports.

Participants of one of the chains of solidarity in Minsk sang "Warriors of Light" today.

Minsk residents go to evening protests.

BSAA students took part in a protest in front of the main building of the university.

In the Frunzenski district of Minsk, the national flag was placed on the police station's roof.

BNTU students also came out to protest. University students used creative posters.

Belarusians marched along Independence Avenue.

Minsk residents also took part in the protest on Lahojski Trakt.

Residents of Uruchcha joined the chain of solidarity in their area.

MSLU students again came out to protest.

Residents of Bahdanovicha Street were among the first to take part in the action of solidarity.

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