Usurper Responds Only To Strength

  • Maksim Viniarski
  • 10.01.2020, 13:17

There's no other way but to punish the evil.

This is what Maksim Viniarski, coordinator of the European Belarus civil campaign, has written on Facebook:

"115 years ago, rifles, swords and whips were the answer to the workers' petition to the "good tsar".

However, the massacre, organized by the tsarist satraps, failed to achieve its goal. The Bloody Sunday, instead of breaking the spirit of resistance, marked the beginning of the "first Russian revolution".

It would seem that the lesson was more than obvious, but even today there are naive or simply mean people who rely on a "peaceful treaty " with this or that autocratic dictator. Not willing to admit that the usurper responds only to strength.

That there is no other way but to punish the evil, to fight it back. Any other way will only make you an accomplice in the committed crimes".

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