European Belarus Holds New Pickets To Collect Signatures

  • 12.09.2019, 12:22

Time and places are known.

European Belarus continues to collect signatures for further participation in the parliamentary campaign, the press service of European Belarus reports.

Today, pickets to collect signatures will be held in Minsk, Brest, Svetlahorsk, Vorsha, Babruisk, Maladzechna as well as in several villages of Slonim district.

Places and time of the event:


Tractornyi Zavod metro station: 15.30 - 18.30, Iryna Khalip,

crossroads of Lozhynskaya Street and Hintauta Street: 16.00 - 20.00, Volha Nikalaichyk,

Institut Kultury metro station, exit to Mahiliouskaya Street: 16.00 - 19.30, Aksana Yushkevich,

site at the entrance to the Kamarouski market: 11.00 - 17.00, Ales Krutkin,

Yanka Bryl Street, 22, Euroopt shop: 16.00 - 18.00, Andrei Voinich,

Sportivnaya metro station, exit to TC Tivali: 16.00 - 20.00, Valer Bychkouski,

Kamennaya Horka metro station, exit to the shopping center Materik: 17.00 - 20.00, Alena Tereshkova,

Pushkinskaya metro station, exit to MCDonalds: 15.30 - 19.30, Maksim Viniarski,

Mirashnichenka Street, 3, Vitalur store: 14:30 - 18:30, Vasil Gushcha,

intersection of Nezalezhnastsi Avenue and Kamsamolskaya Street: 17.30 - 20.00, Zmitser Charniak.


Sovetskaya street, cinema Belarus: 16.00 - 19.00, Palina Sharenda-Panasiuk,


Square at St. Joseph's Church, 17.00 - 19.30, Andrei Markau,


Lenin Square: 14.00 - 20.00, Zmitser Kazlou,


50 Years of October street, 33, Alme Shop: 12.00 - 16.00, Savich,

Slonim region

agrarian settlement Miazhevichy: 10.00 - 14.00, Viktar Marchyk.

You will find European Belarus' pickets by flags with Pahonia and symbols of the European Union. Only the residents of the district where the candidates are nominated can sign. Participants of the picket can always explain where and when you can sign for the candidate nominated in your district. Don't forget your passport.

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