Tatsiana Seviarynets: Belarusian Autocephalous Church Is Very Good Idea

  • 26.08.2019, 17:58

Real independence is inseparably associated to the idea of autocephaly.

On August 17-18, the conference "Belarusian Intelligentsia in Support of the Belarusian Orthodox Autocephalous Church" took place in Chernihiv. More than 100 participants came to the forum from Belarus, Vitsebsk Viasna reports.

Tatsiana Seviarynets and Iryna Zakharava, representatives of the Belarusian Christian Democracy from Vitsebsk, also took part in the forum.

According to Tatsiana Seviarynets, true Belarusian independence is inextricably linked to the idea of Belarusian autocephaly. The activist believes that the conference, held in Chernihiv, will be the starting point for the development of the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church.

According to Tatsiana, groups of supporters of the Belarusian autocephaly have already appeared in several regional and district centers.

- I think that we will also create a group in Vitsebsk, and that there will be a priest who will be able to serve in the Belarusian language. Given the will! I want to do this because after I lost confidence in the Russian Orthodox Church, I couldn't find myself anywhere, - Tatsiana says. - Having heard about the idea of creating the Belarusian Autocephalous Orthodox Church, I decided that I should be with it," - the BCD activist explained.

Tatsiana says that there were Orthodox priests in her family, she herself was baptized as an Orthodox, so she does not want to change anything.

- For me, autocephaly is a very good idea, - Tatsiana sums up.

"BAOC is able to unite people".

Tatsiana Seviarynets believes that the Belarusian Autocephalous Church is able to unite people, including on the basis of the Belarusian language, which is both inspiring and hindering the "Russian world", whose ideology is closely related to the ROC, through what any confidence in it is lost.

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