Last-Gen Homo Soveticus

  • Iryna Khalip
  • 2.08.2019, 7:42

It would better for the military to paint the grass.

There was a homo soveticus in the USSR. Its representatives were fond of saying to their children and those of others: "We lived in barracks and you should live. We were starving. Will you want anything else? We went a kilometer to get water in the cold, and you will do the same". These mean slogans were voiced in schools and courtyards, at home and work. Parents, teachers, bosses and janitors pronounced them. They were heard from birth until we started pronouncing them for the next generation. But even these homo soveticus did not wish dead either to their own or to others' children.

I read the interview of the chairman of the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers, Halina Chyhrynava. I understand that modern Belarus has introduced a new species and compared to it, a homo soveticus is the sweetest creature ever. Of course, that soveticus bore "let war avoid us". Let this tomorrow bring chains, slavery, shit, a bowl of lentils but this cherished bottom is as familiar as usual. And let our children live the same life, but still, they remain alive. The new species steps forward: let it be the same, but let the children be killed.

All that Halina Chyhrynava, a mother whose son died in the Soviet army and who has been chairing the Committee of Soldiers' Mothers for a quarter of a century, says: "Of course, a wheelchair man should not serve, it is clear. And all the young men who can let them serve for a year and a half ... Well, if the country lacks young people for service, some more should be found. The army should be battle-ready and be able to protect the population. Of course, both the President and the Minister of Defense are interested in making the army battle-ready. They found a very soft measure. Everything the president does is correct... If a person has no extremities or is seriously ill, the situation is clear. And if an illness is not severe, there should be conditions for the service. Either they will be cobblers there, or they will help in the hospital. There is much work to do there. Everyone should be drafted, but it should be interesting for them to serve.

This new biological species, developed in modern Belarus, cannot be satisfied with a glass of alcohol and a crisp fat. It also requires deaths. He says that my son was killed in the army, so let yours be killed too. No one should escape from the inevitable, no one should stay free, no one should avoid playing this Russian roulette. The main thing is to have extremities. At least before the game starts.

By the way, Halina Chyhrynava visited Pechya after the death of Aliaksandr Korzhych and wondered why soldiers did not complain about the mockery and did not write registered letters to the Ministry of Defense. And when the journalist of Euroradio reminded her that a soldier could not write or call anywhere when your phone's taken away and you're mocked around the clock, as it happened to Korzhych, she was even more shocked: "You know, I didn't think it was a problem."

Then she said that it was the general conscription into the army, regardless of the health state, is the reason for hazing. "Many young men are invalided out because of poor health. We help soldiers to get in a hospital, and they are recognised physically qualified. There are different cases. Because hazing starts with this. They say you pretend and do nothing! It's followed by a slap in the face or a broken nose..."

Two years ago, Halina Chyhrynava claimed that if everyone's drafted in the army, it would cause hazing, mockery and death of soldiers. Two years later, she supports the murderers of her son and other sons in their desire to kill others. It's the new species, I have no other explanation for that.

I feel sympathy for Halina Chyhrynava - for her tragedy, for being a mess after her son's death, for her confused mind exploited by the Ministry of Defense. It is not about her. I suspect that the military deliberately showed Halina on TV and insisted on responding to any requests for comments because their goal is to bring back the infamous topic common for drunkards "you're not a man if you did not serve in the army".

Let everyone talk about it. Let them discuss the details: who is subject to the conscription or health unfitness, who can get a deferment or a fat nothing. The devil hides in details. It's true truth. The main question will remain unasked: what domestic army, battle-readiness and defence of sovereignty are you talking about if Belarus is a military partner of the most aggressive state in the world?

There is no Belarusian army capable of defending sovereignty. However, it does not even declare the tasks every civilized army has. It is a regiment for amusement, a toy of a dictator, a collection of tin soldiers. All its tasks are to protect Russia from NATO and the dictator from the people. All military exercises are based on fighting back the aggressive West. It would be better for them to paint the grass.

Does it worth sacrificing the lives of your children? Let it be only a year and a half. If you think it's all right, my congratulations, you've just been selected in the very laboratory which successfully selected homo soveticus half a century ago. From now on your life does not belong to you.

Iryna Khalip, especially for

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