Opponents Of Battery Factory Gathered On Square In Brest: Webcast

  • 19.08.2019, 11:44

There was a Sunday protest in town.

On Sunday, the residents of Brest came to the central square of the city again with a demand to close the battery factory.

The rally was broadcast by the People's Reporter youtube channel.

During the first minutes of the rally more than a hundred people gathered on the square. The people listened to a report by Dzmitry Bekaliuk on how the factory's administration had distorted the data of environmental impact assessments and on how the activists had managed to bring out the officials who allowed the construction of the plant into the open.

The protesters' leaders called on Brest residents to fight for the shutdown of the plant, using the autumn election campaign in Belarus. The participants of the rally were offered to nominate their candidates to participate in the political campaign.

The protesters were asked if they were ready to participate in the observation and use other opportunities of the election campaign to fight against the battery factory.

At 12.40 there were more than 150 people in the square, Radio Svaboda reports.

Those present also discussed the attack on activist Maryja Halaliuk. On August 14th, the activist was hit several times by an unknown man near the battery factory. This happened when Halaliuk was capturing on the phone the aggressive behavior of this person towards another activist, who had parked his car in such a way as to prevent the truck from leaving the factory.

Halaliuk got a closed craniocerebral injury, contusion of soft tissues of the temporal area and a trauma of the coccyx. She refused hospitalization because her disabled child was to be discharged from the hospital the next day.

Maryja Halaliuk, who came to the rally as well, said that she had written a statement to the police and that the police were investigating the case.

After the meeting on the square, which lasted until about 12.40, the opponents of the plant marched again along the central streets of Brest - Pushkin and Savetskaya streets - to the Belarus cinema.

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