Zianon Pazniak: If People Remember Their Grunwald, Spirit Of Freedom Will Be Revived

  • 16.07.2019, 7:58

This is how the Belarusian national leader for the first time publicly spoke about the victory of our ancestors.

Grunwald was first mentioned publicly in the recent history of Belarus in 1990. Then, hundreds of fans of the national revival gathered in the Yanka Kupala Park in Minsk, Radio Svaboda reports. Belarusian national leader, head of the BPF party Zianon Pazniak addressed the audience.

"This battle, involving about 100 thousand people, has decided our fate. But here's why this holiday has not been mentioned for a long time, both in the 1920s-1930s and today (at the official level - ed.).

For those who were in power on our land were afraid that if people knew their history, remember their Grunwald, the spirit of freedom and the spirit of struggle would be revived in them. And this spirit will rise not only against the "brown plague", but also against the "red plague". This is what they were afraid of," - Zianon Pazniak said at the meeting.

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