Homel Believer Is Called A ‘Parasite’

  • 7.06.2019, 11:27

Mikalai Peshko refused to work for hire because of his religious views.

According to the administration of Zhelezndorozhny district of Homel, a 45-year-old able-bodied resident of the regional centre, Mikalai Peshko, is not employed in the economy, turned out to be a parasite. The man learned it by chance. He received the utility bill with 5.5 times higher tariff for hot water, Homel Viasna informs.

The man, who owns a one-room apartment, disagrees with the sum and is already seeking protection in the local branch of the REP Independent Trade Union.

"I am a Krishnaite, I have faith and a spiritual teacher. I am not allowed to work for hire. All my life I have been busy with small work. I provide household services to friends and acquaintances. My way of life fully complied with the Belarusian legislation unless infamous Decree No. 3 appeared," Mikalai Peshko explains his status.

As soon as he received this increased utility bill, he together with the REP Trade Union filed a claim to the organization, charging for housing and communal services. It turns out that the lists of able-bodied citizens, not employed in the economy, are formed and approved by local administrations. Then these lists are sent to the organizations that charge for public utilities.

"According to your personal account on April 2019, the payment for hot water supply was calculated at a tariff that provides full reimbursement of economically justified costs. Instead of the subsidized tariff of 16.92 rubles per 1 Gcal, you are charged a tariff of 88.99 rubles per 1 Gcal," A.Chueshou, deputy director of the Homel Settlement and Reference Center, informed the newly-hatched parasite.

Legal inspector of the REP Trade Union Leanid Sudalenka commented on the current situation with Decree No. 3:

- The REP Trade Union believed and still believes that to be employed in the economy, it is enough to be a consumer of goods and services, including excisable ones, to pay state fees and duties. In other words, regardless of his employment, Mikalai Peshko is employed in the economy, as he pays indirect taxes when buying goods and services and using mobile communications.

The Trade Union's lawyer notes that under the current conditions of the Belarusian legal system, courts do not accept the so-called parasites' complaints, which means that citizens are actually denied justice. Nevertheless, he recommends everyone who is labelled as a parasite to defend rights, as well as a well-known housewife from Homel, Maria Tarasenka.

On June 6, Mikalai Peshko together with the lawyer filed an application to the territorial commission to remove him from the list of not employed in the economy. If officials do not listen to the voice of reason, the believer will raise the issue of persecution by the state due to his freedom of conscience and religion.

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