Why I Don’t Believe In Suicide Of Police Lieutenant From Mahiliou

  • 27.05.2019, 16:15

A few uncomfortable questions to the authorities.

The statements of the Investigatory Committee and the Minister of Internal Affairs Ihar Shunevich themselves seem to sound confidently and convincingly and remove at least some of the sensitive issues (for example, about the notorious Viber message). Nevertheless, skepticism prevails in the society, which has reached the point that suicide is a taboo topic! - became the subject of jokes and almost a meme. I want to tell you what for me personally is the most important question in this story, to which, I think, the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the Investigatory Committee do not have an answer. And will not.

This is Patapovich’s hasty funeral “of the first category”: pompously, at the expense of the state, and with the honors as to officers killed in the line of duty.

1. Ok, let's say, on the first day, the version with murder and the black Volga was a priority. But even then, it should not have been the only one, and the version with suicide should have also been considered! And we know that the farther away, the more the murder has faded into the background, and suicide has come to the fore.

Why, in the absence of complete confidence, was this shameful circus, which Belarusians now refer to in the comments as “beautifully buried a suicide man”? After all, this is disrespect not only for taxpayers, at whose expense this balagan was staged, but also - and most importantly - for the relatives and friends of those officers who really died heroically in the line of duty. Marring the honor of the law-enforcement agencies themselves, in the end.

2. Patapovich was buried VERY quickly. The Lieutenant died on Thursday. He was buried on Saturday. And on Monday it became known that suicide is a priority and almost the only version.

When an ordinary person dies on Thursday, and they bury him not even on Saturday, but on Sunday, this is the most common thing. And here - the tragedy that thundered throughout the country, with even the lack of complete confidence as for the causes of death. Some studies, examinations can last for several months. If the funeral had been postponed for at least a few days, everyone would have understood.

Why it was impossible to wait at least until Monday-Tuesday, when, as we are assured, it became clear to the entire investigation team that this was a suicide?

As you wish, but I'm a simple person. And when the deceased employee of the law-enforcement agencies is buried almost the next day, with such haste, a suicide man is lushly buried at the expense of the state budget and with military honors, I have only one assumption.

It was necessary to get rid of the body very quickly.

And I think that it’s not just me who thinks so. And this funeral is one of the main reasons why Belarusians misbelieve.

Pavel Kuzniatsou,

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