"Basta!": Belarusian Video Clip Of Grebenshchikov

  • 23.05.2019, 16:26

B.G. always picks up something in the atmosphere that only becomes clear after a while.

Without recognizing pathos as a means of struggling for justice, he still does not avoid this very struggle.

Through the banter, through the oriental transcendentalism, even through the achineia, he somehow tries to preserve his own and maintain our common sense. Sometimes, however, he can't stand it, and allows himself to take the pose of a thunderer, when neither the stem nor the achineia help.

The new song and its video clip are an example. It is definitely a Belarusian theme and a warning about the forthcoming catastrophe.

– The white birch is so large-toothed.

– I have a desire to move,

– Your civilization will not be able to sit on two chairs

– But your shamelessness makes the paper light up

Why is the clip Belarusian? Because today only the lazy one does not speak about the possible absorption of Belarus by Russia.

B.G. points it out both in vocabulary and meaning.

Judge for yourself:

– The name of the clip contains a popular slogan of Belarusian protests

The lyrics of the song contain words in the Belarusian language

– I'm willing to pay tribute to the greatness of the flag

And not only the words, but also the realities, like the children in military uniform:

– Babies in military uniform – attention!

Creative personalities – they are like that, they feel something.


Andrei Sannikov, Facebook

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