Mikalai Statkevich: Power May Change

  • 22.04.2019, 14:38

The change of power in Ukraine is a signal for the Belarusian society.

Today, the leader of the Belarusian National Congress, Mikalai Statkevich, was released from the temporary detention center in Akrestsin street. The opposition politician had spent 15 days in jail for calling for a prayer in defense of Kurapaty. The website contacted Mikalai Statkevich and asked him to comment on his arrest: – The deceitful ruler of the regime has lost mental stability. He has started a war against the crosses, against the Christian faith. I think that Lukashenka planned to announce the so-called presidential elections during his message. But he did not dare to do this for the following reasons. The first is the war with crosses. Probably, it dawned on him where he was going, what he was doing and who was leading him. The second is the arrests of two potential presidential candidates who could do away with the scenario of false elections. The motives for my and Pavel Seviarynets’ arrests are too obvious and predictable. The third reason is that during the message it became clear who will be the next president of Ukraine. Last year, the victory of people in Armenia prevented the announcement of a referendum in Belarus. Thus, the Ukrainian situation shows that there are a number of countries where normal elections are held, the power changes. The very fact of the change of power is a signal for the Belarusian society. Falsifications, even with false elections, can lead to great social unrest and change. Proceeding from all this, it is not yet known when Lukashenka will call elections. My arrest is their attempt to stop the protest against the bacchanalia in Kurapaty, but it has turned out the opposite. The attention of the Belarusian society and the world was focused on it. – What were the conditions in the temporary detention center in Akrestsin street? – You know, they reflect the Belarusian regime. There were minor provocations at the beginning and at the end of my arrest. My wife’s care packages were not allowed. Her smartphone was pulled out of her hands when she just tried to tell me some news. I especially remember one moment. When, after the trial, I was brought not to Akrestsina, but to the police department, where a young man was put in a cell for temporarily detained. He said that he was there for some kind of fight and asked me a typical question. He wanted to know two things: why I’m still in Belarus and why I cannot just enjoy life. I deduced that the authorities feel threatened by public protests and are looking for weak spots, pushing for passivity. I answered him that I would not leave Belarus, because otherwise Lukashenka would hand it over to Russia, and I get pleasure from every breath. – You raised the topic of Ukrainian elections. Coincidentally, you were released and their results became known. How would you comment on this choice of Ukrainians? – The most important thing is that our neighbors have fought their way through to fair elections. We do not even have unfair ones, but simply some kind of performance, the Kabuki Theater, where all the roles and results are already known at the very beginning. We want to organize such a performance again. As for Ukraine, this is their choice and we must respect it, because it is done honestly and openly by the whole people. – Congratulations on the occasion of your release once again! – Thanks for the support.

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