“Executives Will Have To Answer For All This Nonsense”

  • 5.03.2019, 12:04

The “parasites” are outraged: their data is placed on the doors of the entrances.

Siarhei, a resident of Vitsebsk, has been working in Moscow as a dresser for more than 15 years. Having returned on private business to Vitsebsk, he found in the mailbox a “chain letter” from the so-called commission to promote employment of the population of Kastrychnitski district, Vitsebsk Courier writes.

– I'm a builder, a dresser. I have been doing this all my life, although I’m a radio equipment technician by training. I repair houses, cottages, offices in Moscow. I used to earn about 80 thousand Russian rubles. Now it’s less.

Where can I earn such money in Vitsebsk? They will not let us work normally! And if they will, then, when you get rolling, they will take away everything. You know how it happens. Some people go to the length of a suicide then. And I'm not a suicide...

The wife used to work as an accountant, but then retrained as a builder. She says I'm tired of counting other people's money – I want to make money myself. At first, she worked here. And then I took her to Moscow. We have been working together for nine years there,” – Siarhei says.

According to the content of the letter received by Siarhei, the citizens who are not engaged in the economy pay for services at prices that fully compensate for the economically justified costs of providing them. In addition, the message states that the able-bodied citizens who are not employed in the economy are to address the commission to coordinate work on promoting employment regarding the issues of being included in the database.


– This is insanity! Why should I go somewhere and prove something to someone? If you have already added me to that list, then prove yourself that I am a parasite and I don’t participate in the country's economy, as they say, – Siarhei continues.

The man believes that Belarusians who work in Russia take the same part in the economy of Belarus as those who work at home:

– Why do I still have to pay something? Just count how much money the Belarusians, who come home with Russian salaries, leave here. We bring the money here! So is it that I do not participate in the economy? I have been repairing my apartment for several years here. I have been buying all the materials here in Belarus.

Here's what I think: if you go to this commission, then it’s only to tell them that for all this absurdity, sooner or later they will have to answer – as they are the executives.

Siarhei says that he hasn’t been to the employment commission, but immediately addressed the city executive committee with the “chain letter.”

– I am not going to get registered anywhere, why the heck? Why should I explain something to someone? They should explain it to me, – the man is indignant.

Siarhei addressed directly the chief of the city executive committee. His appeal was officially registered in the journal.

– They promised to give an answer within 15 days. On Monday, it will be 2 weeks from the time of my visit. I’ve checked the mailbox today – it was empty. So far, there’s nothing, – the man makes comments.

As Siarhei says, the paper that he is a “parasite” was placed on the door of his entrance:

– A neighbor told me that there was a list saying “there are parasites living in your staircase” and my last name there. I have not seen with my own eyes, but he has no point to lie to me. Where is it written? What decree says that they have the right to post such lists?

The man’s standpoint is categorical, he is not going to pay for anything other than the communal bills under any circumstances.

– If I get nothing till Monday, then I am going to go there myself. I will not pay anything as a matter of principle. They do nothing, and I will pay them. Let them get the plants going and rebuild them.

It doesn't matter that I have been working in Russia for 15 years – I am for an independent Belarus. At first, there was the temptation to leave everything, to get a let for the flat in Vitsebsk, move there on permanent residence. What stopped us? It wasn’t the fact that it is more staid here, but just... here’s the Motherland, damn it! – Siarhei finishes.

Siarhei promises to contact the editorial staff personally after the city executive committee gives an answer to his written appeal.

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