Defender Of Kurapaty Leanid Kulakou Hit By Car Again

  • 20.03.2019, 11:35

The traffic police has drawn up a protocol against the European Belarus activist.

On March 16, activist Leanid Kulakou was hit by a car during picketing the Let's Go Get Some Eats restaurant near Kurapaty. The car left the scene, Radio Svaboda reports.

According to Kulakou, on Saturday night, a car with a young woman behind the wheel drove up the restaurant. The activists offered leaflets to passengers, they refused to take.

“The driver suddenly hit the gas pedal and took to the right. And I was standing there. I was brushed against by the car so that I turned over by almost 360 degrees and fell on the road,” – Leanid Kulakou said. He received no injuries due to thick clothes.

The traffic police have found the car, which drove off. But the protocol was drawn up against Leanid Kulakou – for standing in the way.

On March 18, Leanid Kulakou complained to the Minsk regional traffic police. He did not consider himself guilty and claims that he did not violate the traffic rules.

The traffic police do not give any comments.

Last year in June, Leanid Kulakou was also hit by a car at the picket near the restaurant. Then he was taken to hospital where he was treated for a broken arm. But when he came to court, the representative of the district department of forensic examinations did not confirm the diagnosis.

The activist was forced to appeal to the State Committee of the forensic examinations. The examination cost one thousand eight hundred seventy-one ruble there.

“Due to voluntary contributions, the needed money was collected for less than a month,” – Leanid Kulakou said.

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