No One Wears Such Uniform Caps Even In African Countries

  • 25.02.2019, 17:17

Statkevich knocked down Lukashenka’s rank.

Yesterday, Aliaksandr Lukashenka visited the Military Academy and talked a lot there: about his sons not wanting to be presidents, about his military rank and about the prospects of the Belarusian army - like, you need to be friends with Russia, but you also need to have a dialogue with NATO. Belsat discussed this topic with politician, reserve Lieutenant Colonel Mikalai Statkevich.

- Are you celebrating the Homeland’s Defender Day today?

- No, I celebrate today the Day of the Soviet Army, in which I served for 18 years. Many traditionally congratulate me. If someone from my old acquaintances comes to see me, then I will drink 50 grams with them.

- Lukashenka turned out to be a Lieutenant Colonel, too. How do you feel in the same rank?

- For me, he is a major. Even if he has promoted himself to a Lieutenant Colonel, then why does he wear this ridiculous, incomprehensible uniform? This cap ... No one wears such caps even in African countries! These ridiculous epaulets with the coats of arms! Why does this clown wear all this? Put on the form of a Lieutenant Colonel - and it will be normal for these military exercises.

- And when he talks about a “constructive dialogue” with NATO — what is that supposed to mean?

- He is trying to show Russia that we have room to retreat, that if you bug us, we can move there too. Although there is nowhere to retreat, because Lukashenka consciously made the Belarusian state a branch of Russia, he cannot do without the Russian assistance. He did it himself. And turned the Belarusian army into the branch of the Russian one.

Even concerning this date. People in a society can celebrate various holidays according to the tradition, especially in winter, as it’s a depressive period, people want holidays. Moreover, there is a women's holiday - there is a male holiday. Women will congratulate men so that they will not forget to congratulate them back on March 8. But there is an army. And if you want to really have an army capable of defending the country, then why do you tie it to someone else’s history, making it a part of the Russian army, in the ideological terms?

How to protect the country, if, God forbid, the enemy comes from the East? ..

- Here is also an interesting point. Deputy Chief of the Belarusian General Staff was awarded the Russian Order “For Strengthening Friendship and Cooperation”. Russian Ambassador Babich presented the award to Major General Pavel Muraveyka. So who owns and manages the Russian army? Is this a Russian or Belarusian structure?

- It is Belarusian is in the sense that it exists on our money and taxes. However, it is the Russian army by the spirit, or even Soviet, and ideologically it is a part of the Russian army. If anything happens, there will be even a psychological problem. People are not robots.

If suddenly the most terrible thing happens, and this type of a commander-in-chief - either a lieutenant colonel, or a major, or an African generalissimo - gives the command to the army, then even psychologically it will be difficult for the people to go against their heart. Because even if they want to execute this order, there will be the “these are brothers, we are friends” thing. I’m not talking about different agencies, about the penetration of special services, about bribing, I’m talking about ordinary officers. They will not be able to retune effectively in a short time. They will have retune either without a fight, or through a great misfortune, because the death of the one who is near quickly heals illusions about the brotherhood. But this is a terrible option, and I hope it will not happen.

- Lukashenka declares that today the so-called IT-company should make a profit for the army. But should a military unit be involved in economic activities and what is the ruler talking about again?

- This clearly comes from his past of a political instructor. When soldiers harvested potatoes in the fields, the whole army was used as a free labor. This echoes. One company, first, does not bring much difference. And secondly, it is not their business. Still, people should come to the army to learn how to protect their homeland. It is important that every healthy citizen of Belarus has military skills, in such a small country as ours, it is important to have a mobilization reserve for extreme cases.

And that company is window dressing. The whole army is the imprint of the society, again there is window dressing, rudeness, deception, corruption, and criminal orders. The country is captured by an organized criminal gang. And all of their “concepts” leaked into the army.

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