Belarusian VKontakte Group Administrators Supported Statement Against Integration With Russia

  • 6.12.2019, 13:55

Their total audience is about a million people.

Approximately 30 groups have signed the petition. Earlier, the authors of more than 60 telegram channels made such a statement. Their total audience is about a million people.

The text of the statement appeared in the Independence of Belarus group on December 4 at 17:22. It was reposted in the communities subscribed to it.

What's in the statement?

"Reacting to rumors "about the strengthening of integration and signing of "action plans" with Russia, the Telegram-community of Belarus declares:

The independence of Belarus is not a subject of trade;

Signing any documents that are detrimental to the sovereignty and independence of our country is unacceptable;

The deepening of integration with Russia harms the national interests of our country.

Who signed the appeal?

@of.belarusian @inter.minsk @chp_minska@majakrainabelarus @my_belarusian @s13ru @belarusfoot @inter.mogilev @thisminsk@haliavabelarus @blacklistminska @avtobaraxloby @stopluka @kalilaskabelarus@dvizh_bel @symbal_by @siadziba @belukr @shparkilos @l_l_loc@liapisy @tuneyadci_i_izhdevenci @belsasut @x1863 @spadczyna @public176339778@abjava @dzjakujzamovu

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