Take Rise, Belarus!

  • Zmitser Bandarenka
  • 23.12.2019, 12:22

It's time for decisive changes.

Coordinator of the European Belarus civil campaign Zmitser Bandarenka has commented on the December 20 rally in support of Belarus' independence in Minsk:

- The participants of the Minsk rally against integration with Russia have demonstrated to the world our aspiration to live in a free independent Belarus.

This rally has become the most massive manifestation of Belarusians over the past two years. Even more Belarusians were present at the ceremony of honoring Kalinouski and the rebels in Vilna.

It was great that the leaders of yesterday's rally did not forget their comrades, arrested the day before and thrown in jail - European Belarus coordinators Yauhen Afnahel and Maksim Viniarski. Thousands of people were chanting "Freedom to Afnahel! Freedom to Viniarski! Freedom to Urbanovich!"

Today's protests were not born from nothing. They grew out of pickets and rallies, held by European Belarus and BNC during the "election campaign", as well as out of long-lasting protests against the rampage of authorities and immoral businessmen in Kurapaty.

We saw representatives of various political forces among the speakers in Minsk, which hasn't happened for a long time as well.

Belarus is waking up. Everyone notes that the year 2020 should become crucial in the history of our country, that is why the Belarusian solidarity is so important today.

To be truly independent, we must get rid of the dictatorship. And we must be united and strong for this.

Every Belarusian citizen can participate in the common deed regardless of where he is.

The time has come for decisive changes.

Take rise, Belarus!

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