I Used To Be Criminal Investigator, Caught Chairman Of District Election Commission On Ballot Rigging

  • 13.11.2019, 13:01

The UCP leader has published the program that scared the authorities so much.

The state newspaper Vecherniy Minsk did not publish the appeal of the leader of the United Civil Party, who opposes the rigging of elections, usurpation of power and corruption.

Earlier, the TV speech of Mikalai Kazlou was banned Thus, the government consciously and consistently deprives the UCP leader of the legal right to appeal to voters through the state media.

The website published the full text of the appeal of the leader of the United Civil Party, banned from publication in Vecherniy Minsk.

“The appeal to voters of UCP leader Mikalai Kazlou, the parliamentary candidate in the Staravilenski electoral district #105.

I am an officer, reserve Lieutenant Colonel, I served in the criminal investigation department of the Central district of Minsk. During the 2008 elections, I caught the chairman of the district elections commission and his deputy throwing ballots into the ballot box, recorded this and demanded that my superiors should punish the criminals. When measures were not taken, in protest, I resigned from the post of a senior detective for particularly important cases with the rank of Lieutenant Colonel.

In 2012, I joined the United Civil Party, and now I am acting as the Chairman of the party. I live in the Central district of Minsk.

For 25 years, the current government has been building “a strong and prosperous state for the people”. And the result was a poor, mafia-criminal country where the role of the people is reduced to keeping members of the same family and their close associates in luxury.

I believe that our country needs CHANGE!

I stand:

AGAINST election fraud

AGAINST usurpation of power


FOR a change of power and fair elections

FOR systemic reforms


Our party is a team of professionals, we have a program of systemic reforms “A Million New Jobs” - a program on how to transform Belarus into a country, where the law is one for all, the economy works, everyone can work and earn money in their own country, if they want to. I want young people not to leave Belarus, pensioners - to receive a decent pension.

Belarus should become a free independent European country with a high level of wealth, where the main goal of the state is to support initiatives and ensure equal opportunities for all citizens, protect their rights, property and personal dignity.

How to build a European Belarus?

To implement the program of systemic reforms “A Million New Jobs”.

Sweden, Germany, and Poland once carried out the reforms under similar programs, and they proved effective.

The creation of new high-tech jobs with high salaries, healthy working conditions, and a careful attitude to nature is the end result of the entire range of reforms:

In the political sphere

- SEPARATION OF POWERS: executive, legislative, and judicial powers complement, not suppress each other;

- HONEST FREE ELECTIONS of authorities, accountability of power to citizens;

- LOCAL SELF-GOVERNMENT, most of the taxes will remain in the regions to solve local problems;

- FREEDOM of speech, information, peaceful assembly.

In the economic sphere

- release of a private INITIATIVE;

- effective PROTECTION of property;

- DEVELOPMENT of small and medium-sized businesses;

- Private PROPERTY on land;


- stability of the tax system.

Who will create jobs?

- small and medium business: in industry, agriculture, tourism and services;

- owners of privatized enterprises;

- foreign investors who will help build modern enterprises based on the latest technologies and enter new markets.

Main condition?

New professional leaders who will act in the interests of the people should come to the government of the country.

How to do it?

We must unite and together choose a real national candidate. Then, during the presidential election, we will force the regime to include our representatives in the commissions and honestly count votes! Our candidate will become president, launch transformations, hold fair parliamentary elections and calmly change the situation without clinging to power.

There are millions of us - citizens who want change. We can unite - as it was when we fought against the Decree “On Parasites”, or stopped the construction of a harmful plant in Brest.

If you want change - welcome to the team!

Fair elections are the only path to change in the country that will not lead to dangerous consequences.

Join to the United Civil Party, unite around the idea of fair elections and a popular single candidate!”

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