Pavel Seviarynets: If Lukashenka Signs Serious Documents With Russia, All Need To Take To Square

  • 22.10.2019, 12:45

This is a matter of survival for the Belarusian state and the Belarusian nation.

Today in Belarus there are many fateful things going on. These are the census, the elections to the “chamber”, the preservation of Kurapaty, the signing of an agreement with Russia behind the backs of Belarusians and so on, Pavel Seviarynets, Co-Chairman of the Belarusian Christian Democracy party, said in an interview for Radio Racyja.

- On December 8, it is planned to sign certain integration agreements, of which we know nothing. Belarusians want to live in an independent state. Everything is done behind their backs. And therefore - Kurapaty, honoring the memory of Kastus Kalinouski, mass rallies that take place, either the ignore or boycott of those elections, or alternative participation in the elections - all this is the answer of the Belarusian people. I take it this way. Belarusians should say loudly at all these stages, at all these actions: we want independence.

- Did you participate in the electronic census?

- I did not participate. I am waiting for the census takers to come to my place. I want to look in the eyes of those people. Maybe I will convince one of them. Because for me it’s a way of talking to a person.

- What advice would you give to those people who speak Russian and don’t know what to tell about their native language?

- Belarusians have a native language - Belarusian. The attempt to present the Russian language was being made one all the time of Lukashenka’s rule. But Belarusians cannot abandon their native language. I myself was the first to hear the Russian language, but the words “ma” and “pa”, excuse me, were spoken in Belarusian, because you cannot do anything with the genes. I can answer with a calm heart - my native language is Belarusian, learned first in childhood. We speak Belarusian at home, with my wife Volechka, with our little Francishak.

- What could be the consequences if the significant majority of Belarusians, despite the fact that we have only 8% of Russians, call Russian their native language?

- If Belarusians call Russian their native language and say that they speak Russian at home, the natural question will come - why don't you join Russia? That is, this is the next step of those who falsified the questions for this census.

And therefore, every Belarusian who answers is Russian must be prepared that the next step will be the destruction of his country's independence. Their children will go to fight in Syria or Libya, their business will be taken from them, or they will lose their jobs. And in the end, the court trials will end in prison somewhere in Siberia or Magadan.

This is what we have already gone through with Russia. Therefore, I urge Belarusians to answer - Belarusian and start speaking Belarusian themselves. The areas with no Ukrainian language in Donbas are now occupied.The places with 12% of the Ukrainian language in schools and among the population are now Ukraine.

Please look at the Donbas. This is not a joke. And language is not just fiction. This is a matter of life and death of the Belarusian state and the Belarusian nation! Russia is war and poverty.

- What if Lukashenka does sign this agreement on the actual surrender of Belarus?

- If Lukashenka signs serious papers, everyone needs to take to the square en masse, a mass protest is needed, as was the case in 1996.

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