Leanid Sudalenka: “Parasite” Commissions Must Be Brought To Court

  • 18.01.2019, 9:53

Belarusians can give battle to Lukashenka’s decree.

With the beginning of 2019, a new wording of Decree No. 3 “On promoting employment”, more commonly known as the “decree on parasites,” began to operate in Belarus.

Special commissions defined the category of people (about 500 thousand) “not employed in the economy.” According to the provisions of the decree, people who do not work have to pay more for utility services.

Lawyers in Belarus consider the decree discriminatory and violating human rights. Homel Viasna talked to the legal inspector of the REP Trade Union, Leanid Sudalenka, about the essence of the decree and the ways of defending the rights.

Watch the video for details.

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