Lukashenka Is Vibrating With Increasing Amplitude

  • Nikalai Statkevich
  • 6.09.2018, 9:59

A few remarks at the dictator.

"The president" has stated that the economy makes him tremble. He’s started to vibrate not because he has much feeling for the sufferings of poor people, but because of a lack of funds for the maintenance of "law enforcement officers." We already have five times more of them than the military. Which shows better than any words that the clique in power considers its own people to be its main enemy, and not external aggressors.

It's clear that people become "clique-guards" because of money. And when the ataman of the clique runs out of its "gold reserve," no one will defend it from people's gratitude. Which is becoming stronger and stronger. That's why he vibrates with increasing amplitude.

I'm not a supporter of Lynch law. Therefore, I am ready to tell how to stop the degradation of the economy and, consequently, avoid the inevitable rendering of people's gratitude to the vibrating recipient. To do this, we must remove the main brake, which suffocates the colossal creative, intellectual, labor potential of the nation, dooms our economy to a growing gap from the world economy, and Belarusians to poverty or forced emigration.

This brake is the illegal, unlimited and perpetual power of one person. All the rest – the archaic "collective farm" model of the economy, lack of legal guarantees to business, absence of transparent legislation and independent court system, the unlimited power of the "vertical" and "siloviki" – is only a consequence of the maniacal desire of this person to retain power over the country at any cost. To achieve this, it is necessary to keep everything under control – people, property, finance, parliament, courts, elections. Despite the toxicity of such a mania for the whole country, its economy and human destinies.

Therefore, my advice to the vibrant anticipator of the inevitable outcome – free and rehabilitate political prisoners, return stolen billions from foreign accounts to the budget, conduct fair elections for the president and parliament without your participation.

Then, perhaps, the tremor will stop.

Nikalai Statkevich, Facebook

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