Shunevich: Internet Is Sphere Of Irresponsible Behavior

  • 17.09.2018, 8:17

The head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs has spoken in favor of early identification of network users.

Minister of Internal Affairs of Belarus Ihar Shunevich described how the department treats the proposal to introduce mandatory authorization of citizens on Internet forums, reports.

– The Internet is a part of our life, and any social activity, no matter who undertakes it, must take place according to some rules. And if there are no rules, there is anarchy, lack of governance, some kind of humiliation of the rights, freedoms, dignities of the citizen, groups of citizens, and so on. It does not matter. If these rules do not exist, they must be developed. This is my firm belief. And they must be respected by all.

The responsibility for committing unlawful actions, no matter in what sphere, field, the way they are committed, must be there.

In my opinion, in this particular case, the authorization will discipline the media community, Internet users. Let's admit: today, this is the sphere of absolutely irresponsible behavior. Well, in the sense of statements, opinions and other things, insults, spreading slander, committing a number of specific criminal and administrative offenses. This is the zone of irresponsibility today. Largely. I categorically disagree with this if you ask me about it.

A person must be responsible for every act, especially when it violates someone's rights and interests. Proceeding from this, I think it is expedient, correct and timely to resolve the issue of identifying the participants in this process. And, of course, it will discipline everyone who knows neither rights and borders, nor conventionalities, morals and principles. Permissiveness will be fenced off, – Shunevich warned Internet users on the air of the Main Air program on Belarus 1.

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