Video-fact: Rain Comes Out Of Sockets, Lamps In Newly-Built House In Homel

  • 23.07.2018, 13:02

Heave rain caused flood in one of the new.

In 2015, in the Shvedskaya Horka, Homel residents began to move in a new building at Penyazkova, 53. However, as it turned out, the three-year-old residential building was unable to save residents from heavy rains, the website writes.

On Saturday morning at about 5 a.m., the owners of the apartment on the tenth floor woke up because the water was gushing from the ceiling and outlets. They immediately called the emergency service, which arrived within an hour.

However, despite the "quick" help, the damage is impressive. "There were about ten buckets of water on the ceiling in the kitchen, the ceiling broke. The laminate floor in the whole apartment, wallpapers, furniture in the kitchen and in the rooms, the interior doors are all damaged, "- Alina says.

The employees of the Repairing and Maintenance Unit-2 made an act, but warned straightaway - they only compensate for the finishing.

In addition, the residents of the flooded apartment had to live without electricity for almost two days. "It turned on only last night. The safequard kept knocking it out before. It got dry and the power switched back on,"- said Alina.

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