‘I Will Make A Precedent’: 60-Year-Old Worker Attaining Age Pension

  • 10.07.2018, 11:44

Anatol Paplauny filed a complaint with the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Homel regional executive committee.

Tatsiana Serdziukova, the head of the social protection department of the administration of the Savetski district of Homel, denied Anatol Paplauny, 60, a toolmaker of Homelkabel OJSC, in receiving age pension, Homel Spring writes.

"The right to a labor pension by age in 2018 is granted to men at the age of 61 with an insurance record of at least 16 years 6 months", - the district social protection body referred to the innovations of the pension legislation.

The 60-year-old man did not stop and filed a complaint with the Committee on Labor, Employment and Social Protection of the Homel regional executive committee.

"I understand that I am creating a precedent, nevertheless, I intend to go through all instances, including the Supreme and Constitutional Courts. The main law of the country - the Constitution - prohibits giving the retroactive effect of the law, which worsens the legal status of citizens, nevertheless, the Belarusian government has gone on to increase the age of retirement. I decided to act, " - confidently declares the young pensioner, who remained without a pension at the age of 60.

Anatol PaplaUny is a member of the Belarusian Independent Trade Union of the Radio-Electronic Industry Workers (REP) and says that the legal service of the trade union helps him prepare claims to the state.

"Our legal position is that the constitutional principle of prohibiting the retroactive effect of the law should extend not only when deciding on the imposition of legal responsibility, but also in the event of a change in legislation, as a result of which the citizens' situation worsens," - legal inspector of the trade union Leanid Sudalenka stated the organization’s legal position on this issue.

The trade union lawyer noted that after observing the so-called pre-trial procedure for settling the pension dispute, a complaint will be prepared to the court where the legal service of the trade union wants to receive an answer to the question of giving retroactive effect to the law that worsens the legal status of citizens.

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