Stanislau Shushkevich: Belarusians Could Have Had Free Access To Europe

  • 20.06.2018, 12:34

There are many questions to the authorities.

Today the Council of the European Union has adopted amendments to the Schengen Code proposed by the European Commission in March. The changes proposed imply an increase in the cost of visas from 60 to 80 euros.

The possible increase of the visa fee will not affect the third countries that have reached an agreement with the EU on facilitation of the visa regime. Among other things, it implies lower visa fees. For example, Azerbaijani, Armenians and Russians already pay 35 euro for the visa. Ukrainians are crossing the EU borders without a stamp in a passport. asked the first leader of independent Belarus Stanislay Shushkevich why Belarusians have to suffer such challenges to get the EU visa.

- It's a pity that young Belarusians are deprived of an opportunity to visit EU countries. 80 euro is a significant sum for Belarusians. It's very important for Belarusians to visit the Schengen countries. I'm disappointed to learn that the EU takes such a step.

On the other side, Belarus does not sign documents on facilitated visa regime with Poland and other countries.

At the dawn of the Belarusian independence the form of the European Union differed from the current one. We thought of the future of former Soviet Union.

There was a really weighty option: "open borders for people and information." It was significant, because there was no Internet then.

I think those principle were respected, Belarusians could have has free access to Europe. There are many questions to the Belarusian authorities who do not want to sign facilitated visa regime even with Poland, which would like to take such a step.

I advocate visa facilitation, but Belarusians have to suffer from pro-communist and pro-Russian tricks of the authorities.

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