Blogger Aleh Zhalnou Sentenced To 15 Days Of Arrest For "Disobedience"

  • 14.06.2018, 14:12

According to eyewitnesses, the police car arrived before the hearing.

June 13, in Babruisk, the court continued the consideration of the case of "disobedience to the lawful demands of an official" against Aleh Zhalnou, a blogger from Babruisk, a human rights activist, an activist of the United Civil Party, writes.

The police officers summoned to the court as witnesses, did not appear. Judge Tarabuyeva considered their being on vacations and "professional development courses" a "good excuse for nonappearance in court" and did not postpone the meeting, as it was on June 13 that the deadline for the consideration of the case expired.

The court's decision is 15 days of administrative arrest. And, according to eyewitnesses, the police car arrived before (!) the hearing began.

Now Aleh Zhalnou is in the temporary detention facility. Please, write to him at:

Sovetskaya Str. 7a,

BABRUISK, Babruisk region,

Mahiliou province,

Belarus 213810,

Zhalnou Aleh Piatrovich

Every letter that comes to the prisoner increases his status in the eyes of the guards and administration.

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