Uladzimir Nyaklyayew: "Hockey Manager" Needs Urgent Removal From The Office

  • 16.05.2018, 9:22

Lukashenka is not the man of his words and actions.

At the IHWC-2018 in Denmark Belarusian hockey players lost 7 games with a total score of 8:36. They were defeated by Sweden (0:5), France (2:6), Russia (0:6), Switzerland (2:5), Czech Republic (0:3), Austria (0:4), and Slovakia (4:7).

For the first time in 15 years the Belarusian national team lost the position in the elite.

However, the hockey failure topic is barely discussed in the Belarusian media, although billions of budget means were invested in this sport. The dictator himself is silent, although he usually goes crazy about defeats of Belarusian sportsmen. One of the leaders of the Belarusian National Congress Uladzimir Nyaklyayew tells about reasons fot it in the interview to

- I think that lack of skills or team’s inefficiency is not the reason for the failing performance of the Belarusian national team. The reason is that Lukashenka has created the team without being aware that these people will never play good, because they just do not like their country. He has theached them to like things he gives them, not Belarus itself.

Moreover, Lukashenka has taught the Belarusians not to love their country. This is the key reason for failures in sports, in the economy, in life in general.

If we look at games in Canada or the USA, which really have good players, we will be surprised to see tears in eyes of sportsmen. Why? Because they hold the flag of a free country in their hands, where people can express their protest freely. There is an interaction between the state and the society in these countries.

Our people are not capable of controlling anything. After all, there are none, only one person with the puck and the stick has grabbed all power. That's the problem. People see no sense to put their nose to the grindstone for an extra penny, if only it takes little efforts; like it happens to law enforcement officers who use their batons once or twice a year to disperse people. Aw well as it takes no efforts for corrupted officials.

We can remember sportsmen in the first years of independent Belarus. We felt the spirit of freedom we fought and strived for. The way hockey players played hard for the sake of the country! For the sake of raising our flag and make names of Belarusian winners be voiced al over the world. It was the time of geniune joy and happiness when they represented independent, young, and free country.

- Why do you think Lukashenka who usually goes crazy about sports defeats is silent now?

- I guess he experiences stress. After all, what can your reaction be, if you constantly boast of, for example, your clever son, and then he is expelled?

Lukashenka made a big fuss over hockey, built lots of ice palaces and so on, and it brought no fruits. In this situation people start extrapolating it to all spheres.

If we look at the situation in the country objectively, we will see that no promises of Lukashenka were met: the housing problem, salaries of $500 and others.

Belarus is barely afloat due to the economic and political assistance of Russia, which is one of reasons for failures. After all, if surveys show the head of the neighboring country as the leader, then one can imagine what people are thinking about. Then they consider it all fake, and the real life is beyond Belarus for them. So how is it possible to work for the fake country? How is it possible to fight for it in sports arenas, or battle fields? Everything is interconnected.

The Eurovision Song Contest has recently been held. It is also an indocator. We can distinguish when Armenians or Georgians perform. Whether is it applicable to Belarus? No. And it's indicative. Although Lukashenka used to say that we had Slavic Bazaar with its talents. And what does it really mean? It's just a bazaar with no culture. And our singers who perform at international festivals also miss this culture.

- The major part of the Belarusian media also are silent about Lukashenka's hockey failure, and our readers complain that many websites censor comments on this topic. Why is this happening?

- Well, they are stooges! And together with Lukashenka did everything I mentioned above. They helped the ruler to teach Belarusians not to love their country. Liars, scoundrels, ideological servants, all the propaganda staff are people who do not deserve either respect or assessment of their activities.

The Belarusian national team shifted to the minor league, and there is no reason to mention any sports reasons, one should state that the "hockey manager" is not a man of his words and actions. He is subject to removal from the position of "hockey manager" and ruler of the country.

Billions have been invested in hockey for more than two decades; meanwhile, officials say there is no money for hospitals and schools. There is money for Lukashenka's entertainments. In the democratic country he would face the court proceedings, removal from the office, or even arrest for embezzlement.

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