Sculptor Henik Loika Did Not Take Money For Monument To Tadevush Kastsiushka

  • 15.05.2018, 11:26

The Belarusians have raised money for the monument to the national hero themselves.

"I cannot say that it was not a penny at all, – sculptor Henik Loika, the author of the monument to Tadevush Kastsiushka, which was installed near Kosava on May 12, laughs, writes.

– I was paid the traveling allowance. And when we were going to the trip with Hleb Labadzenka, the money poured down on me unexpectedly. People were bringing more money for the monument, and Hleb Labadzenka was telling them that it was no longer necessary, the monument was there. And then that money was transferred to me. So I cannot say that I did not get anything at all, – Henik Loika says.

The sculptor admits that the idea of not taking the payment for work came to him unexpectedly at night.

We remind that on 12 May, the first monument to Tadevush Kastsiushka in Belarus was installed in Merachoushchyna near Kosava in Ivatsevichy district, near the museum of the national hero of Poland and the United States. The money for the monument was collected by the Belarusians through crowdfunding.


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