Halina Smirnova: "Let Them Dare Not To Allow!"

  • 16.03.2018, 9:28

Babruisk activists of the REP trade union are asserting their right to hold campaigns in defense of their leaders.

In Babruisk, REP trade union activists have sent appeals to the city executive committee chairman with a request to authorize the collection of signatures in support of the independent trade union, reports.

All the pickets, which were declared by REP union members from 14 cities and towns of Belarus, have been banned by officials. Babruisk unionist have come up with an original way to get permission at least for any kind of event – and demanded from the city executive committee chairman to allow the collection of signatures in support of the REP trade union. In and of itself, the collection of signatures is not a mass event and does not require permission. In light of this, it will be interesting to get a response from the officials, in which they will have to express their attitude to the attempt of the Babruisk residents to realize their freedom of assembly.

Halina Smirnova, leader of the REP trade union in Babruisk, is optimistic about the expected city executive committee’s response:

– There is no way around it, they will give an answer and let them dare not to allow it.

The full text of the appeal:

"The Constitution of the Republic of Belarus has the highest priority. According to Article 59, the state is obliged to take all measures available to create the internal and international order necessary for the full exercise of the rights and freedoms of the citizens of the Republic of Belarus, provided for by the Constitution.

State bodies, officials and other persons entrusted to perform state functions are obliged to take the necessary measures within their competence to protect the rights and freedoms of the individual.

These bodies and individuals are responsible for actions that violate the rights and freedoms of the individual.

According to Article 40 of the Constitution of the Republic of Belarus, everyone has the right to file personal or collective appeals in state bodies.

State bodies, as well as officials, are obliged to consider the appeal and give an appropriate answer within a period determined by law. Refusals to consider submitted applications are to be motivated in writing.

I ask to authorize the collection of signatures to manifest solidarity with the Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronics Workers, in order to stop interference in the internal affairs of the Belarusian Trade Union of Radio Electronics Workers, to stop unreasonable calls of trade union members as witnesses to investigators, to stop the criminal prosecution of union leaders Henadz Fiadynich and Ihar Komlik."

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