Lukashenka Has No Shame

  • Stanislau Shushkevich
  • 23.02.2018, 10:59

The illegitimate ruler is ready to serve anyone.

The Belarusian government goes out of its way to stay in power, more precisely – Lukashenka does everything possible for that. We have no elections since 1996, those were the last parliamentary elections, and before that the last elections, when the votes were counted, were in 1994, the presidential elections. And now, in order to stay in power, our illegitimate president is ready to serve anyone. For example, the Kremlin – if it will hinge on the Kremlin and its power. And it hinges to a great extent, because we have 1,560 km of open border with Russia, we are very dependent of the Kremlin. Russia is our friendly country, but as for the Kremlin, that is, the Russian government, there are different periods. When there was Yeltsin – there was a friendly country. Now the country, which is able to make Ukraine its enemy, is able to make Belarus its enemy as well, but I hope they have become a little bit smarter due to that nasty affair, and it's time to return the normal order, so that the state serves people. I hope that the state will serve people.

And today our illegitimate president can act as he pleases in order to preserve his power. If we establish a normal democratic order – we will be all right. We know that there are many difficulties in Ukraine, we know and sympathize with you, and we will be happy if you overcome them consistently. And we have many absolutely idiotic difficulties, we do not transform the economy even into the semblance of a market economy, we have a power-market economy, that is, a market economy under the supervision of the illegitimate president and his team.

Lukashenka has one quality: he has no shame, so he will tell Ukraine that he is Ukraine's best friend, and he will say to Russia that he is Russia's best friend. At the beginning of the speech, he can say that he is a ardent supporter of Ukraine, the Ukrainian independence, the territorial integrity of Ukraine, and then will say in passing that the Crimea is Russian. There is no sense of shame and no sense of normal political restraint, there is a sense of indecency. And he is not embarrassed of this, because in general he is a person who is very sickly educated. Therefore, he was shamefully caught on such historical mistakes that he is not ashamed. Sometimes, he himself believes in what he says, although he is lying.

And what is there in Russia? The impending elections in Russia are a clear matter. We already know what will happen there. A possibility of Putin's glorification has been found in Russia. What is it based on? It is based on the old Russian parable – if there's a native country, there are no other worries. The fact that thousands of servicemen were killed there to perpetrate Donbas and Lugansk is a trifle, because Zhukov probably sent 100 thousand to death in order to occupy some territories 2 days earlier. This is the principle. The war was won that way, in a ruthless manner: by blocking detachments, shooting in the back. And this policy continues.

When Putin's authority fell low, in 2014 they came up with the idea that a small victorious war was needed. They went to the Crimea. Ukrainians did not shoot Russians, as one can’t shoot friendlies. And those ganged up by the order and extolled that – what a victory, what an achievement, the Crimea has always been Russian. History shows that this is far otherwise. This issue could not be resolved in such a way. But Putin is praised, it is believed that he has revived the greatness of Russia... There’s a native country, there’s a leader. The leader will be re-elected without any doubt, and a certain period is needed, so that everything is gained through suffering in Russia again. It is better that it is decided there in a democratic way. But there is no democracy right now... 70-72% or so will be announced, maybe they will not get ashamed to announce 80%, the turnout and vote for Putin, this will the final result.

Stanislau Shushkevich,

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