Protest In Brest: Wolf-Woman Replaces Fox-Man

  • 3.12.2018, 14:09

About 120 people participated in the rally against the battery plant.

Brest residents gather in the square every Sunday to feed pigeons and discuss the construction of the battery plant, Belsat reports.

This time around 120 people gathered in the central square of the city. The meeting of Brest residents was held under the police surveillance, and an unknown person filmed people from the fourth floor window of the Brest Regional Executive Committee.

Also a Wolf-Woman came to the central square, she was looking for the Fox-Man, whom the riot police officers detained three weeks ago. The Wolf-Woman told the journalists that she was walking and asking people around if they had seen the Fox-Man.

“During the last rally, riot police officers grabbed a Brest resident in the costume of a fox and haven't released him since then,” – a woman in a wolf hat said to reporters.

In the meantime, the authorities consider independent journalists the main danger for themselves. Last week Andrei Bazyleu, an employee of the Leninski district police department of Brest, called Aliaksandr Leuchuk and Milana Kharitonava to report that the authorities initiated an administrative process against the journalists for shooting on Lenin Square during the protest in the form of feeding pigeons on November 18. At the same time, police officers visited the journalists twice in the past three days.

“I think this is the pressure that the police have been putting on my family recently. I do not break the law, but some unknown men are breaking into my house; I do not see any legal basis for the actions of police officers,” – Aliaksandr Leuchuk said. Leuchuk and Kharitonava were fined more than 4 thousand euros in the past two months.

From February 25, Brest residents go to the central square of the city and protest against the battery plant, which is being built near Brest. Start of production is scheduled for the end of the year. The plant plans to run a full cycle of production of lead-acid batteries.

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