‘They Will Sale Packaged Air In Belarus Soon!’

  • 13.12.2018, 13:08

Homel residents expressed their outrage at the decree on “parasites”.

In 2019, “parasites” will pay for certain housing and utility services at full tariffs.

“Strong news” asked Homel residents whether such a decision of the Belarusian authorities is fair.

“Here I am, for example, a“ parasite ”by disability. The increase in tariffs does not surprise me a little bit. There is no predictability in our country. I would not be surprised if they start selling packaged air in Belarus soon. At a double tariff, to make is a hell for smokers,” a Homel resident told reporters.

See the video for details.

Since December 1, the “parasitic” database began to operate in Belarus. 500 thousand people got listed as “social parasites”.

It was repeatedly stated that the “parasites” will pay also for other services that are subsidized by the state, and the “people not employed in the economy” were frightened with the labor and detox centers.

The previous version of the “parasite decree” caused mass protests, which the experts have assessed as the biggest in Belarus since the perestroika times.

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