Uladzimir Niakliayeu Devoted His Last Novel To Yanka Kupala

  • 20.11.2018, 12:35

Kupala had a lot of mysterious and controversial episodes in its tortuous fate.

Uladzimir Niakliayeu has told Radio Racyja about his latest novel, dedicated to the poet’s life.

– I then wrote the text, where there were invectives against Kupala: “Ah, you are lying idle. The crackling of dry straw is heard inside you. You're at a dead man while alive!” This is the 30-ies. And I took this essay type of writing and translated it into speech over the coffin. And it is absolutely another matter – a man died and others are standing over him and say what they have once written down, – the writer said.

The main mystery of Yanka Kupala to Uladzimir Niakliayeu is not the death of the poet, but that he could leave his mother in Minsk when escaping to Moscow at the beginning of the Soviet-German war.

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