On-Coming Storm

  • Basta telegram channel
  • 14.11.2018, 11:09

The dictator feels rummy.

The dictator used to hide his phobias and not to talk about them, especially on the eve of the “elections.” This time, that's very much not the case. “The next year is an important year. The political disorder will last at least a year and a half. And there will be held elections of the parliament and the president. They never added stability and calm to our society,” – Lukashenka said yesterday.

The ruler’s facial expressions reveal his inner feelings even better. No wonder the press service has been recently publishing less frequently the videos, taken at meetings with officials. They’ve been keeping to posed photos. A fleeting look, a shiver in the hands, a tired look, bags under the eyes – all of that is no longer possible to hide. Besides, the officials have grown bolder, do not stand at rigid attention any more.

It looks like no one has started to rock the boat yet but the rats already feel uncomfortable. They feel that the storm is coming.

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