Mikalai Statkevich Called To Hold “Chain Of Memory” At KGB

  • 23.10.2018, 10:21

The event will be held in Minsk on October 29 at 19.00.

One of the leaders of the Belarusian National Congress, Mikalai Statkevich, called to hold a “chain of memory” near the KGB building in Minsk on October 29 at 7 p.m.

The politician urged participants to bring only candles with them, it is not planned to use flags or posters during the event.

One of the BNC leaders told Radio Svaboda that he considers it senseless to ask the Minsk City Executive Committee’s permission to hold the event.

“As long as there are those who consider themselves to be legal and official heirs of the executioners and are proud of them, and even wear their uniform, we must go not only to the graves,” – Mikalai Statkevich said.

The politician has been organizing the “chain of memory” event since 2015.

Where else will the memory of the repressed be honored?

The Dziady procession and rally in Kurapaty. The Minsk authorities have allowed the Conservative Christian Party of the Belarusian People's Front holding a rally on October 28.

“The night of the shot poets.” On October 29, the works of repressed writers will be read in Kurapaty.

Procession in Loshytski Yar. The Conservative Christian Party of the Belarusian People's Front have filed an application for November 4, no response yet.

For one night from October 29 to October 30, 1937, the NKVD unreasonably shot more than 100 representatives of the Belarusian intelligentsia: writers, scientists, statesmen.

Stalinist repression in Belarus

In Belarus, massive repressions started when the Bolsheviks came to power in 1917. Researchers believe that at least 600 thousand people were subjected to repression. According to other estimates, this figure reaches 1.4 million. But the exact numbers are not known – there is still no access to the KGB archives. Belarusians rank third in number of victims of repression in Stalin's times.

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