"I Saw Policemen In Uniform Sitting And Drinking"

  • 23.01.2018, 8:59

Minsk citizens were outraged by the behavior of prosecutors at work.

"Prosecutors who have lost their vigilance" – this is the name of the video. It shows how people, probably prosecutors, drink alcoholic beverages. And it all happens, according to the author of the clip, in a police car Volga, Belsat reports.

Vasil Tselahreikin’s video went viral in the network. It was recorded in June last year – just before the 95th anniversary of the Belarusian prosecutor's office. It has been published recently.

"As for those prosecutors, I do not think that something unusual happened there. Sin in good company. But we remember the rule: not the one who did something is to blame, but the one who got caught. Therefore, they just were not lucky," – Tselahreikin believes.

Blogger: the publication gives a message to other prosecutors

In his opinion, they are not very responsible when performing their work. According to him, prosecutors should be closer to people. Then people will not take an interest in their behind-the-scenes life. Belsat has tried to find out the fate of inattentive prosecutors. However, it was not easy to do it. It is kind of hard to get in contact with responsible persons. The Minsk Prosecutor's Office did not comment on the situation either.

The majority of the questioned passers-by called prosecutors’ behavior indecent

"They are looked at by everyone, who should we take cue from, if not from the employees of the prosecutor's office?"

"The people have succeeded in life. They can take the liberty."

"It’s due to impunity. I saw policemen in uniform sitting and drinking, literally here – in the car."

"Impunity, they know that everything is cut and dried, with impunity."

– Minsk residents were indignant.

But chief policeman Ihar Shunevich believes that the publication of such cases in the media is the information war against the Interior Ministry, and he usually tries not to comment on such situations.

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